Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Now Hiring!

Classroom Jobs!!
Since I am moving to third grade, classroom jobs are making a huge change too! In first grade, each day I had a boy and girl star helper. It was their job to be the line leaders, take attendance, lunch count, everything!

In third grade, I have created about 15 classroom jobs that will be rotated each week. I wrote the job and their description on a label so I can post it to the pockets I bought at dollar tree. I am using star sticks (like Popsicle sticks from reallygoodstuff) with each student's name on the star to assign. Hopefully, I can take a picture and attach it to the star!! 

Here are my jobs and descriptions! Enjoy :)


Here is a really great twist, I am so excited for! Each Friday, while the banker at Kipp Kash is working to see who can afford to pay their way to Fun Friday, students will complete a JOB APPLICATION! Students will want to be hired, because they get paid in Kipp Kash! They need their Kipp Kash to get our Fun Friday time and much more! 
Job Application

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