Thursday, April 28, 2011

More Money!

My students are absolutely loving our money unit (who doesn't love money?) We have been playing some awesome games! Here are just a couple things that focus on counting coins and mixed coins. Next week we are turning our math lesson into a corner store! The students will all earn a budget throughout the week and be able to "purchase" things from our corner store with the money they earn. I am so excited!

Counting All

I have cut and laminated these boxes out. During our math money centers, students will match the value to the coins.

Counting Money

Please share any tricks and great activities you are doing for money!


  1. We have a book sale. I have tons and tons of books (I am a sucker for garage sales). I label books with price tags and "sell" them to the first graders. They are each given a baggie with $1.00 in plastic coins. They must count out the money themselves. They get to keep the books they "buy". I look forward to this activity each year!

  2. Thank you for sharing!
