Saturday, February 12, 2011

100s Day

For our 100s day celebration, our team of 10 first grade teachers rotate our students through centers to play with everything 100s. This year here are some of our ideas:

  • What would you do with $100?
  • What would you look like at 100 years old?
  • Weighing items of 100 pounds and 100 items
  • Making fruit loop necklaces with 100 pieces
  • Making 100 day hats to celebrate
  • Using 100 numerals to make a picture
  • Drawing 100 things you would want, and 100 you wouldn't
  • Games with 100 chart board
  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar eating 100 items (Thanks to blogging world ideas)
  • Making 100 day masks
Here are some of our pictures!

These are a few of the books we read aloud!

How was everyone's 100 day of school?

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